Wholesale/Private Label Opportunities

Have you ever thought about having your own line of products? Your business could either carry our line as is, or we could create your very own exclusive line...labels & all! Salons & Spas love this feature. Let's say you're a Salon Owner and would like to offer an Apple Cinnamon Pedicure during the fall, in salon. Can you imagine serving mimosas while your clients enjoy their Tropical Coconut Pedi for summer? This is an amazing opportunity to increase services! Clients love themes. We can help you to create specialized, seasonal services! So many salons have enjoyed creating custom services that offer exclusive options for spa packages. We take care of the formulation for large batches for your back bar use. And then, you can select specific products to offer for retail. Your salon/spa business info and logo will be features on every bottle. What an awesome way to create walking advertisement!

Are you a Dog Groomer? Not only could you be using your very own concentrated all natural pet products, but your customers will purchase at home goodies for their fur babies. Again, your business info and logo can be featured on every bottle! 

Maybe you'd like a side hussle? It's simple. You purchase products at wholesale...let's say our All Natural Lemongrass Laundry Soap. Set up at a Farmer's Market, Craft Event, Flea Market...and you make the profit on each sale! Perhaps you're a stay-at-home mom, in need of residual income, and you happen to be a bath & body "junkie" anyway...start up your own line in your favorite fragrances! Set up a simple website, Facebook, Etsy, or sell directly. It's easier than you think! And people love to support their friends.  

What is private label?

Private labeling is a great way to start your own skincare or bath and body business without having to make a huge investment of time and expenses related to manufacturing and packaging costs. It also allows you to maintain complete control over your brand and product line – from formulation to branding to marketing. There are certainly a ton of products offered in this retail industry. However, your clients choose to support YOU. They trust YOU. They are going to purchase products from somewhere and it might as well be from YOU!  

What is a low MOQ? 

Low MOQ stands for low minimum order quantity. It is the minimum amount of product that a company must order in order to receive the discounted price. A company with a low MOQ can produce smaller quantities of the product without paying a higher price per unit. This makes it ideal for start-up brands that are just starting out and don’t have the budget to produce large quantities initially. It also allows them to test the market with a smaller quantity before committing to a larger order. Our MOQ for wholesale pricing is currently 6 per retail size unit, with a minimum startup of $200, & $100 for each order thereafter. Bulk sizes for backbar use (in salon) does not currently have a minimum order requirement.  

What is my wholesale cost? 

Typically, our products range from $1.50-$24.99 per unit. This will be determined by the choice of product, formulation, & your desired retail point. Bulk sizes for backbar are determined by the cost per oz. Again, this will be determined by the final product choice.

What is my retail profit? 

This varies from business to business with a standard industry markup of 100%. If you are a wholesale client selling any Windsor Hills products, you must retail no higher than our retail price. Your private label is up to your discretion.   

What's the 1st step?

This is the fun part! Let's come up with the products that you would like to offer. We offer an array of wonderful all-natural bath and body products such as hand wash, hand lotion, body wash, body lotion, sugar scrub, body butter, body balm, & body mist. We also offer a complete pet line that includes shampoo, conditioner, freshen up spray, & nose/paw butter. All you have to decide is what you would like to carry & the fragrance for the season. You may also to choose a signature fragrance that is exclusive to your business. We do work with businesses to create a private formulation, depending on the needs of the clientele. 

What are my packaging options?

We order in large quantities so that we all share in the savings. We generally stock clear or white 2 oz and 8 oz HDPE or PET (this is the particular plastic type) bottle and jars. These options are for the minimum order quantity of 1 dozen. If you should require a special-order packaging, minimum order requirements will be determined once the options are discussed with our packaging manufacturer.

How does the private labeling work? 

Most businesses use their logo for their product line. However, there are many creative options that we can discuss. We use clear or white waterproof labels. We follow strict labeling laws set by The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) The Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Am I required to purchase liability insurance? 

No, this is not required by law. However, we can point you in the right direction for help in this area. We have chosen to be fully licensed and insured, to be sure that our clients are protected. 

How do I get my finished product? 

We offer 3 options for our private label clients...free pickup, shipping via USPS Priority to include insurance, or delivery is a possibility, as time allows, to include a $20-50 fee.

Feel free to reach out to discuss your goals and options. We'd love to help you launch your very own line!